Face lift!!

Hello, and welcome to the new exciting, if not a little empty, VERSION of the site. Had to move my hosting, and the old plug ins didn’t work.

This past year has been…a lot. Got out of a relationship that I had high hopes for, but people change and evolve. At the same time I was diagnosed with M.S., an important mother figure of mine died in my arms…It was a lot.

It wasn’t all bad, my birth mother and I started talking and we’re slowly mending our relationship. I’m making new connections and strengthening old one. I’m healthy–I think… The jury is out on that one. I’ve been writing poetry. I like doing that…it’s like dropping a bunch of heavy objects, and never picking them up again…

I’m trying to forge a new life, and take new risks. So that’s the plan. I’m going try to write more stuff so that I can keep everyone in the loop. Wish me luck on that…

I am learning this new program so that I can make things more accessible for the reader, you. It took me a minute to figure out how it works to get my pages up. There is one more issue to post, but I want to know how to add a gallery so that it’s easier to just click and read…so that’s a learning process. I’m going to post my musings, i.e. poems and stuff here too. I’m very proud of them, and I want you all to read them. I’ll get those up as soon as I can…

I finally put my mug up, I hope you like it. I think it’s a good picture, personal bias aside. I like it.

Whelp…thats all I got for new. I’m half way done with the inking process, soon will be the effects and lettering, and you’ll have the next issue. Talk to you all soon. Bye-bye.