Ego is updated!!

New comic is up for your viewing pleasure. Check the links:

This one took a hot minute to do. I’m pretty proud of it. I’m loving where the story is now going. I’m really inspire to jump into the next one. I’m going to rest a bit before I do. I have some ideas I want to write down, and flesh out before moving forward. I also have some things I want to do before deep diving into the next issue. Please look forward to it.

Bambi posted on the site

Hoooooo boy!! It’s been a week. I moved this week, the American Presidential debates occurred…and holy, fucking, shit…

All that aside, I’m going to try to get my life re-formatted so that I can stream more. The biggest thing I’m pushing myself to do is find way to promote my work. I have just a little under 8 pages left. I hope to have your eyeballs reading it by August. I’m really loving how it’s turning out. I’m super happy with it.

I started listening to some old school hip hop and rock. It’s been really wonderful to get re-grounded after listening to the Kendrick v. Drake beef. Juneteenth was a wonderful week. I mean that shit. If you haven’t watched the “Pop Out”, please, go watch it.

Writing-wise, I’m in a bit of a pickle, because I want to go in a specific direction with the story. I want to do adventure, but I also want to do politics…but honestly I find the ideas I have for politics are a little boring, and I want to develop them into something juicy; however, this is an ADULT action comic…emphasis on the action. It’s something I’ve always wanted to explore, and just kinda keep chickening out on it.

This past month marks the my first year as an Multiple Sclerosis patient, and being single. I feel better about both situations. I’ve spent this last year as an emo kid. My health is getting better…I did gain weight…like 10 lbs…I need to correct that. I am…happier. I have my bouts with depression, and melancholy, but I’m managing. So here’s to another year. I’ve been keeping up with another artist who’s productivity style I’ve been looking to implement, and I’ve found it to more relaxing. I think I’m going to keep that going. Well see what happens. I wanna have the next issue out by the end of August. Let’s cross our fingers.

See ya’ll soon.

Face lift!!

Hello, and welcome to the new exciting, if not a little empty, VERSION of the site. Had to move my hosting, and the old plug ins didn’t work.

This past year has been…a lot. Got out of a relationship that I had high hopes for, but people change and evolve. At the same time I was diagnosed with M.S., an important mother figure of mine died in my arms…It was a lot.

It wasn’t all bad, my birth mother and I started talking and we’re slowly mending our relationship. I’m making new connections and strengthening old one. I’m healthy–I think… The jury is out on that one. I’ve been writing poetry. I like doing that…it’s like dropping a bunch of heavy objects, and never picking them up again…

I’m trying to forge a new life, and take new risks. So that’s the plan. I’m going try to write more stuff so that I can keep everyone in the loop. Wish me luck on that…

I am learning this new program so that I can make things more accessible for the reader, you. It took me a minute to figure out how it works to get my pages up. There is one more issue to post, but I want to know how to add a gallery so that it’s easier to just click and read…so that’s a learning process. I’m going to post my musings, i.e. poems and stuff here too. I’m very proud of them, and I want you all to read them. I’ll get those up as soon as I can…

I finally put my mug up, I hope you like it. I think it’s a good picture, personal bias aside. I like it.

Whelp…thats all I got for new. I’m half way done with the inking process, soon will be the effects and lettering, and you’ll have the next issue. Talk to you all soon. Bye-bye.

Insert pages!!

I’ve made two insert pages at the very beginning of the comic. I think they help with the flow. Please check them out. New pages coming in two weeks!!